+43 (0)5525 64 778-0
+43 (0)5525 64 778-0
8 pieces of technology shafts and stairwells for Siemens Healthineers
Build time: 20 weeks in 2021
Height: 28,00 m
Slipform area: 22.850 m²
Concrete poured: 2.800 m³
Slipforming speed: m/day
Country: Germany
Client: Porr Industriebau GmbH
Step core for compound feed factory Raiffeisen Ems-Vecht
Build time: 3 weeks in 2021
Height: 35,00 m
Slipform aera: 1.830 m²
Concrete poured: 260 m³
Slipforming speed: 5,80 m/day
Country: Germany
Client: Kewe Bauunternehmen GmbH & Co.KG
Stair core for energy from waste plant Münster
Build time: 5,0 weeks in 2004
Height: 70,00 m
Slipform area: 7.366 m²
Concrete poured: 1.300 m³
Slipforming speed: 4,10 m/day
Country: Germany
Client: Joing Venture: RMHKW Münster
Stair core and chimney in Regensburg
Build time: 5 weeks in 2002
Height: 40,00 m
Slipform area: 8.293 m²
Concrete poured: 971 m³
Slipforming speed: 5,60 m/day
Country: Germany
Client: Guggenberger GmbH
2 Stair Towers for Milchwirtschaftliche Industriegesellschaft Herford GmbH & Co. KG
Build time: November to December in 2017
Height: 52,90 m
Slipform area: 8.690 m²
Concrete poured: 1.152 m³
Slipforming speed: 4,00 m/day
Country: Germany
Client: Kreutzjans GmbH & Co. KG
6 Stair Towers for Engelbert Strauss
Build Time: February to July 2018
Height: between 31,00 m and 47,00 m
Slipform area: 31.398 m²
Concrete poured: 5.008 m³
Slipforming speed: 5,00 m/day
Country: Germany
Client: Klebl GmbH
Bitschnau Gleit & Schalungstechnik GmbH Gewerbestraße 8
A-6710 Nenzing +43 (0)5525 64 778-0
+43 (0)5525 64 778-30
We are looking for:
Please apply by phone to Günter Bitschnau on 05525/64778-0