+43 (0)5525 64 778-0
+43 (0)5525 64 778-0
Flour silo in three sections for Saalemühle Alsleben
Build time: 10 Wochen in 2022
Height: 65,00 u. 43,00 m hoch
Slipform area: 14.800 m²
Concrete poured: 2.270 m³
Slipforming speed: 4,10 m/Tag
Country: Deutschland
Client: Industriebau Wernigerode GmbH
Silo block for Oscorna Dünger GmbH & Co. KG
Build time: 6 Wochen in 2020
Height: 59,60 m
Slipform area: 16.770 m²
Concrete poured: 2.170 m³
Slipforming speed: 3,90 m/Tag
Country: Germany
Client: Matthäus Schmid GmbH & Co.KG
Grain Silo for Fenaco Genossenschaft
Build time: March to July in 2017
Height: 75,00 m
Slipform area: 50.076 m²
Concrete poured: 7.716 m³
Slipforming speed: 5,00 m/day
Country: Switzerland
Client: Marti AG
Flour Silo for Herries Schälmühlenwerk GmbH & Co. KG
Build time: 10 slipforming days in 2016
Height: 31,30 m
Slipform area: 8.975 m²
Concrete poured: 1.314 m³
Slipforming speed: 3,10 m/day
Country: Germany
Client: Hermann Kassens Bauunternehmung GmbH
Silo Block with 32 cells in two sections for Holland Malt Eemshaven
Build time: June to July 2018
Height: 44,00 m
Slipform area: 27.370 m²
Concrete poured: 3.308 m³
Slipforming speed: 3,80 m/day
Country: Netherlands
Client: Visser & Smit Bouw BV
Silo block with 25 cells for Grüninger Mühlen
Building time: January and February 2019
Height: 34,50 m
Slipping area: 11.800 m²
Concrete poured: 1.290 m³
Slipforming speed: 3,80 m/Tag
Country: Swizzerland
Client: A. Käppeli's Söhne AG
Bitschnau Gleit & Schalungstechnik GmbH Gewerbestraße 8
A-6710 Nenzing +43 (0)5525 64 778-0
+43 (0)5525 64 778-30
We are looking for:
Please apply by phone to Günter Bitschnau on 05525/64778-0