+43 (0)5525 64 778-0
+43 (0)5525 64 778-0
Tower Airport Dublin for Irish Aviation Authority (IAA)
Building time: Februar bis März im Jahr 2018
Height: 81,20 m
Diameter: 9.533 m²
Concrete poured: 1.642 m³
Slipforming speed: 4,00 m/Tag
Country: Irland
Client: BAM Building Ltd.
Exterior silo renovation for two raw meal silos from Opterra Cement Karsdorf
Build time: 8 weeks in 2021
Height: 2x 60,00 m
Slipform area: 4.200 m²
Concrete poured: 1.160 m³
Slipform speed: 3,50 + 4,20 m/day
Country: Germany
Client: AG Implenia Instandsetzung GmbH
57 Pumping Stations for Emscher Genossenschaft
Build time: August 2013 to July 2016
Height: 12m to 28m
Diameter: 4m to 23m
Slipform area: 27.200 m²
Concrete poured: 20.100 m³
Slipforming speed: 4,00 m/day
Country: Germany
Client: Wayss & Freytag Ingenieurbau GmbH
Poultry-fabric-building Haren for Rothkötter Unternehmensgruppe
Building time: April bis Mai 2018
Height: 26,80 m
Diameter: 7.400 m²
Concrete poured: 950 m³
Slipforming speed: 4,10 m/Tag
Country: Deutschland
Client: Schulte Bauunternehmen GmbH
Walls for nuclear plant Unterweser operated by PreussenElektra GmbH
Building time: October 2018 (2 sessions)
Height: 15,5 m
Diameter: 6.521 m²
Concrete poured: 2.665 m³
Slipforming speed: 3,2 m/day
Country: Germany
Client: LUDWIG FREYTAG GmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft
Bitschnau Gleit & Schalungstechnik GmbH Gewerbestraße 8
A-6710 Nenzing +43 (0)5525 64 778-0
+43 (0)5525 64 778-30
We are looking for:
Please apply by phone to Günter Bitschnau on 05525/64778-0